Ghost Towns of Ontario Canada
Algonquin Park & Area
Ontario has many Ghost towns here is but a brief narrative on some of the Ghost towns in the area.
Burgess: | ![]() |
A village of 300 flourished here during the corundum mining boom which lasted until a new synthetic substitute "Carborundum" forced the mine to close. You can reach the site via the New Carlow Road which runs south east off Hwy. 62 a few kilometres east of Maynooth . The ore crushers peer through the birch trees while across the road stands the log remains of a storage building. Evidence of the former mining and milling activities is scattered throughout the area. |
Craigmount: | ![]() |
Once the world's largest producer of corundum, the ghost town of Craigmount, lies dormant in Mt. Robillard. Most buildings have long vanished, remnants can be found in the fields and bushes. Old cement foundations can still be seen on lower side of the mountain where the concentrator, grader and boiler room was towered. Two old houses remain; one presently used by hunters and a log house. |
Eldorado: | ![]() |
1866 Gold was discovered in the farming community of Elderado Ontario, bringing about 3 to 4 year rise and fall of this small town. As the rumors spread prospectors and speculators flocked to this small town causing grow overnight boom and construction of 80 or more buildings. Was there gold in Elderado, yes small amounts did exist but no major gold was found. By the 1870s the boom was over. Most everyone left. And farming continued to be a way of life. The Central Ontario Railway operated a small terminus to service. A historical plaque marks the Hastings gold rush of the 1860s. A cheese factory which closed its doors in the 1990's, is still selling cheese out of its store, good place to stop & get ice cream. As well the The Trading Post, which is a combination gas station and general store is still in operations. |
Glanmire: | ![]() |
First known as Jelly's Rapids, after settler Andrew Jelly. A school, church, post office and few dwellings. When the post office opened the new name Glamire replaced the old. Glamire's was short lived and faded in the 1860s and 70s. Glanmire is 11 km north of Millbridge on the Old Hastings Road. All that remains of this community is the cemetery and the cement steps leading up to the vanished church. The Old Hastings Road is impassable beyond Glanmire.
Hybla: | ![]() |
"Hybla" is supposed to have come from one of it's founders George Bartlett noticed the large number of bees in stumps and hay which reminded him of Hybla an ancient Roman town known for it's honey. Which George had learned in English grammer. The hamlet of Hybla once contained a railway station, stores, boarding houses,ice house stables and blacksmith shop which has all but vanished. The Zion United Church, which is over a 100 years old, was build as a Methodist church and a beautiful cemetery and Hybla Gospel Tabernacle church and a few farms are all that remain of the pioneer community of Hybla. Take Hwy. 62 north from Bancroft about 11 km to the Hybla Road (on the right). Follow the road east about 2 km and you come to the Hybla Gospel Tabernacle, a small, insulbrick building almost hidden by trees and bushes, but close to the road on it's north side. Continue on the Hybla Road another 3.5 km and you come to a T in the road, turn left 3 km down the road, on the north side the Zion United Church stands. The small train station is now the residence of the Woodcox family. |
Millbridge: | ![]() |
Millbridge is the closest to the popular image of a ghost town. Take Hwy. 62 north from Madoc about 21 km to the Millbridge Road (on your left). Built in 1860's, this is part of the Old Hastings settlement road. The hapless settlers tried to farm from the rocky soil have long since fled. Take the road about 3 km to the empty St. Oswalds Anglican Church, continue on down the main street to the former store and hotel (both now residences) the abandoned church, school, and community hall, and the cellar holes.
Umphraville: | ![]() |
In the 1860's Irish Immigrants took up farm land, Dermot "Darby" Kavanagh and his brother Patrick moved to Lots 55 and 56, Hastings road in Dungannon Township. Darby, a born entrepreneur, chose to open a a stopping place combining store and Hotel. Here the postoffice Umphraville was established. Today all that is left is an abandon farm on a ridge, and a cemetery about 1.5 km away. It is estimated that as many as 100 men, women and children are buried in Umphraville cemetery, with only a dozen or so stone markers remaining. There were never any mills, churches or business section. Located in the township of Dungannon, head south on Highway 62 from Bancroft, turn right on Old Hastings Road. The cemetery is reached from a road off the Old Hastings Road which is clearly marked. |
Wallace: | ![]() |
Little remains of what was once the terminus of the Central Ontario Railway. Until the late 1950's, the C.N.R. ran a train every Wednesday to Wallace which served the Polish settlement and local lumber companies. To get there take Hwy. 127 north out of Maynooth. Continue north on 127 to the South MacKenzie Lake Road (on the right). Stay on 127 for another 7.3 km, then turn right onto a township road, and travel east 1.3 km to the boarded-up white frame building on the left hand side. This was the community hall. Behind it lies the pioneer Polish Cemetery. Beside it, the foundations of the Roman Catholic church, torn down in 1960, are clearly visible. |